Monday, June 21, 2010

4.30 am / 5.30 am

From early this morning, the first day of summer.

Night 21

Doorways, to what, I don't know. But, I watch and wonder, what goes on in the lives behind the billion doors I pass in this life.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Little House

Picture taken from the back of the little house. As you can see, the land has ups and downs! From inside the house the view to this area includes a valley and stream, from the front is looks onto pastures, Bethel Valley and up, towards the homestead site.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Early Morning Flowers

On the left, a flower spike from a Blue Agave. It's about 25' tall. On the right, a flower from a Organ Pipe Cactus. It's about 8" across and blooms for a couple of hours at night. Both are growing in our yard. The photo on the left was was taken just as dawn was approaching. On the right, before dawn.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010 Everglades

I've never been able to catch one of these birds tack sharp. They always move too fast for me, who is rarely sitting in one place very long anyway. I thought this was worth working with, and I'm happy I took time to take another look at it before considering it a failed picture. Since I don't see the world like my friends or acquaintances, it doesn't make sense to create images like they would, even as beautiful as they are. And, because those beautiful images elude me anyway, this is what I do.

This bird is like a thought, a quick flash of insight, interest, humor, an observation that has form but isn't so clearly defined that it compromises imagination. I like being surprised, and I'm happy for the uncertainties in life, because being unsure is the fast way to discovery. Otherwise, we just do the same thing, think the same thought, live the same life over and over. And that doesn't seem like much of a life to me.