What would life be like if instead of struggling against everything uncomfortable and strange we sought to understand it, and allow it to inform and enrich our life? Is it possible there are forces greater than we’re able to imagine, perhaps with a better view of who and what we are, and of what would make us truly happy?
People everywhere speak of God, or faith, of being spiritual or of enlightenment, insisting just as often they know the meaning of life, human existence and divine purpose. But how can it be, that so many billions of people, throughout human history, can know divine truth with such certainty while leaving in their wake such suffering that any divine, enlightened source would scarcely be able to endure, to survive such imagining?
Perhaps our difficulties are rooted in our certainties? After all, we barely know anything other that what we’ve been exposed to, and what we’ve been taught.
I have found my greatest joy in uncertainty and the greatest adventure in openness. Now, I see that life is and has always been perfect, and that my deepest suffering has always been rooted in seeing imperfections where they didn’t exist.