Yellow TAXI, Fargo Yellow Pear,Gold Nugget Cherry, Golden Delight.
We're gathering dozens daily, helping feed our neighbors and friends. These are delicious. Lettuce, cucumbers, peas, beans, Swiss chard, beets and carrots have been producing for the last 6-8 weeks. Peppers are almost ready, baby bok choy too, and Asian greens. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Hubbard squash and onions are coming along, and we're on to a new crop of bush beans. Basel runs rampant and soon I'll plant arugula. The Tiger melons didn't make it, but I'll give them another try in late summer. No one can tell me they can't grow an urban garden anywhere there's sun and water. I did this with junk boxes, old fence sections, buckets and milk cartons. We haven't eaten supermarket vegetables in months.
PS: Broccoli greens are really good sauteed in olive oil, garlic, with a little salt and pepper. There's no need to toss out thinned plants - they love being eaten!
Yes, broccoli greens are delicious - little known fact. Also, try bok choi once it goes to seed, and little yellow flowers form. Nothing tastes so good as the yellow flowers of a mustard green gone by...